Friday, April 11, 2014

First Time Fingerpainting

Fingerpainting.  It's a fun thing to do with the kiddos and it's something I really should start doing with them more often!  We were invited to a fingerpainting playdate a bit ago and I didn't want to get their clothes all paint-y so I grabbed some white onesies, cut the bottoms off and using a red sharpie I wrote "My 1st Time Fingerpainting" and their name and the date. I figured it would be something cute to put in a shadow box or just fold up and place behind the canvas of their first 'work of art'. 

First Time Fingerpainting
The mom who hosted the play date provided small canvases, paint and masking tape.  I use the tape to make the kids initials and then just let them go to town.  Little Man's mom loved it!  Kidster didn't quite get the paint over the whole 'initial' so it was hard to read what the letter was so I just outlined the initial with a black sharpie and it looks great.

What is YOUR favorite type of kids craft?

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