Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Random Ramblings

These past two weeks have been quite challenging for this stay at home mom!  Kidster had a weird rash (turned out to be Hand Foot and Mouth, yuck), then Hubster had tonsillitis and pool Little Man was sick too.  I was more of a nurse than anything else!

Little Man’s last day was on Friday so Kidster and I are in the process of getting in shape, well, Mom is in that process.  She’s having fun making new friends in the child care center.  Although according to the care givers she’s more of an independent kiddo.  We already knew that.  The fact that she doesn’t want to leave makes me happy that she’s having fun.  When I picked her up this morning she was watching a young man playing a video game, just like her mom huh?

Now that I’m no longer caring for Little Man I am responsible for the dinner making. Eeek!  I haven’t made dinner more than 10 times in the past 4 years so this is a feat for me.  Thankfully I have www.pepperplate.com to really help me out!  Import recipes, add them to a meal planner and then it creates the shopping list for me!  I love this thing.

I’ve also been working on a few different projects that don’t quite fit in my old scheduled posts.  I’m going to be posting regularly again in a few days so keep an eye out for some really great tips and tricks coming your way.  Now that the Fabrycated Kitchen is in the initial testing stages there might be a few flops, I’ve never claimed to be a good cook! 

See you soon!


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