Friday, August 29, 2014

Plastic Bag Storage

Our little town still has plastic bags when you go to the grocery store.  I try to bring my own reusable but most of the time I forget.  These little bags are pretty handy in the diaper trash.  They can take over your house though pretty quickly.
I have found that using an empty tissue box as a storage container for these little things is pretty awesome.  So many fit in the box and then when the container in the Kidster room runs out of bags I just refill them from this box. 


Thursday, August 28, 2014

DIY Kitchen Wipes and Toddler Hand Wipes

I feel like I’m constantly wiping down the kitchen counter.  I hate using the commercial “Lysol Wipes” because I’m not really all that sure what is in them.  The hippie part of me would really prefer to use natural disinfecting cleaners.  With the recent Kidster illness I’ve been doubling my efforts to really keep the kitchen and the KID as clean as possible without using products like bleach and anything with Triclosan.  Germs are good for kids, in moderation at least.

I’m going to show you how to make your own kitchen wipes and using the leftover bits, how to make toddler hand wipes.

Here is what you will need:

  • Slightly used up roll of ‘select-a-size’ paper towels (I’m working on a reusable cloth version)
  • Very sharp knife, preferably not serrated
  • Lysol Wipes container, rinsed (or any kind of cylindrical container)
  • Small rectangular container with lid
  • Bohemian Baby Body Wash and Shampoo (or any kind of hippy baby soap)
  • Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Method All Purpose or Method Counter and Glass  (or whichever cleaner you prefer)
  • Warm water


Mark the paper towel roll near the top of the container.


Cut the paper towel at the mark.  You can also use an electric knife.  Any serrated knives will cause a bit of fluff on the edges but that’s all I have and it worked out ok.  Pour in your warm water and cleaner.  I usually do half and half water and cleaner. Then fill to about a quarter of the way. You can always add more.  If you have too much that’s ok too, it’ll just be leftovers for the next time.  Pull out the cardboard cylinder in the middle of the roll.  It’s ok if it pulls a bit of the towel out with it, that will just be the starter end.

Put the roll into the container.  I usually close it up tight and then turn it over for a bit to let it all soak through.


Now it’s time for the Kidster hand wipes. It’s still not an exact science since I kind of made it up as I went along.  Take the towels apart from the top bit that you cut off.  Lay them neatly on top of each other.


Then, mix together 1/4 cup of warm water, T of coconut oil (coconut oil has anti-everything properties and moisturizing too), one squirt of hippy soap.  Place the paper towels in the container and pour the mixture over the towels. Press down and let it all soak in.  If they still aren’t damp after a few minutes just add a bit more warm water. 


I use these for Kidster after she’s finished eating to wipe off her face, hands and even her feet if they are a bit dirty. I’m pretty sure cut up pieces of t-shirt will do the same job.  I will be trying that soon!

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Random Ramblings

These past two weeks have been quite challenging for this stay at home mom!  Kidster had a weird rash (turned out to be Hand Foot and Mouth, yuck), then Hubster had tonsillitis and pool Little Man was sick too.  I was more of a nurse than anything else!

Little Man’s last day was on Friday so Kidster and I are in the process of getting in shape, well, Mom is in that process.  She’s having fun making new friends in the child care center.  Although according to the care givers she’s more of an independent kiddo.  We already knew that.  The fact that she doesn’t want to leave makes me happy that she’s having fun.  When I picked her up this morning she was watching a young man playing a video game, just like her mom huh?

Now that I’m no longer caring for Little Man I am responsible for the dinner making. Eeek!  I haven’t made dinner more than 10 times in the past 4 years so this is a feat for me.  Thankfully I have to really help me out!  Import recipes, add them to a meal planner and then it creates the shopping list for me!  I love this thing.

I’ve also been working on a few different projects that don’t quite fit in my old scheduled posts.  I’m going to be posting regularly again in a few days so keep an eye out for some really great tips and tricks coming your way.  Now that the Fabrycated Kitchen is in the initial testing stages there might be a few flops, I’ve never claimed to be a good cook! 

See you soon!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Pre-packed Toddler Lunches

This week I’m going to show you how to save a ton of time, and space in your fridge, by making your toddler lunches ahead of time.  This is great for stay at home moms or working moms who send their kids to preschool!
I purchased 10 three compartment containers at the dollar store but you can use whichever type of compartment container you like.
This is a great way to teach kids healthy eating habits, portion control and is especially great for toddlers who have developed the ‘pincer’ grasp.  I will often bring the empty container to a restaurant as a plate for Kidster to eat our food out of.  When it’s time to leave I can just put the lid on it and go!
This is a great way to pack up leftover dinner into pre-packed Kidster lunches/dinners. I also use a grease pencil / China marker to write on the front of the box what they are for so if Hubster is on his own with Kidster for a day he knows which box is which!
The big section is for veggies, the smaller
sections for grains, meat, starches, and fruit.
These containers stack really well in the fridge and take up very little space.  I have one stack for lunches, and one for snacks!  When we go on a play date I can just reach in and grab a pre-packed box and I know Kidster and Little Man will have full bellies! The containers shown have frozen->steamed veggies, grilled sausage, and ranch style beans. The colorful containers really make eating fun and the food looks appetizing!  These are pretty great for a mom trying to get rid of the baby weight, too!  Just pack up a few Mom boxes with fruit, veggies, yogurt, or pasta.  We get hungry too!
Check back next Friday when I share my $10 Dollar Store shopping list for kid friendly fun!
What is YOUR favorite way to make yummy toddler meals?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Basil Propagating and Use

I always wait until the herbs and vegetable plants go on sale at our local plant nursery.  Houston has a seriously long growing season.  I’ve had tomato plants that grew tomatoes for an entire year! I end up getting some pretty leggy plants but with a little TLC they end up becoming quite healthy. 

I love love love basil!  I love making strawberry basil sorbet during the hot summer months.  A bit of strawberry, some basil and honey in the ice cream maker and there you go. Delicious! 

I purchased a deeply discounted basil plant about 3 months ago.  I’m embarrassed to say that it is still living in the original plastic cube that it came in.  It lives in the kitchen window sill and gets regular water and light but I really need to get it properly potted. I have already propagated it and it has a much larger spawn currently living in my Square Foot Garden outside.

IMG_7223 Original basil plant, trimmed a sprig off of the top, put it in water and when the roots began growing I planted it into the garden outside.







This what the sprig grew into!



Basil is very very easy to propagate.  Simply cut off a stem from the top of the plant.  You’ll want to have a sprig with about 5-6 leaves.  Cut the bottom end at an angle for the best water absorption.  Place in a small glass of water until you see quite a few white hairs of new roots.  Then plant outside in your garden or in a pot inside.  You can pretty much do this as many times as you like as long as the original plant is healthy.  When the tops of the plants start to show flower CUT them off!  When a plant is ‘going to bolt’ it’s trying to make seeds and therefore the strength of the plant is going to that purpose and NOT to growing more delicious leaves.  The flower stalks are have a lovely smell and taste are quite nice on a salad.

I have recently been introduced to jarred pesto sauce.  It is divine but since the ‘baby’ basil plant outside was so large and needed a trim I thought why not try my hand at it?



Picked about a handful of leaves and let them soak in a bowl for an hour or so.  Easier to get the dirt off of the leaves without bruising them.







The leftover leaves and flowers
were pretty left on the counter
to make the kitchen smell
good for a day or two.




  Let the leaves sit on a towel for a little while to dry off.  I may have bruised my leaves a bit but it won’t affect the taste.






Turns out pesto has pine nuts and parmesan cheese.  My kitchen, however, does not.  I came across this recipe for Pistou (Basil Pesto without Nuts).  Pistou is a French form of pesto that does not have nuts.  I didn’t use parmesan cheese because throughout the process of researching and making the pistou I decided to make it into something akin to a simmering sauce for chicken.

Here is the original recipe for Pistou:

  • 3 cups fresh basil leaves (I only had one cup of basil)
  • 2-3 cloves garlic (I used 1 clove)
  • About 1/4 cup quality parmesan cheese, grated (I will certainly use this next time!)
  • Splash of fresh lemon juice
  • About 1/2 cup olive oil (I used 3 tbs)
  • Salt and pepper to taste

1. In a food processor or blender, chop up the garlic until it is minced.
2. Add in the basil and cheese and start to blend. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil while the machine is running. Blend until smooth.
3. Squeeze in a little lemon juice and add salt and pepper to taste.
4. Taste the sauce and adjust to your likings.
5. Put in a freezer container and freeze if you wish or use it right away.



So since I used such a small amount of basil it didn’t fill up the processor very well at all, it was kind of sad looking.  So I transferred it to the small Baby Bullet blending container.  Still, just too sad looking.  SOooooOOoOO  I added in some spinach from the fridge that about to be wilty.  Then I transferred it to the silicone freezing mold.  A few nights later Hubster used it in a pan to make chicken breasts.  It actually turned out really well!  It was a handy fragrant sauté starter.

I think if I want to make a pesto sauce next time around I’ll need to propagate a few more plants around the yard.  They are really pretty and grow really well almost anywhere.

What is YOUR favorite basil dish?


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blueberry “Muffles”

I recently attempted to make a healthy version of blueberry muffins.  Blueberries are in season and on sale at our local market so I had quite a few.  Kidster isn’t a fan of blueberries by themselves so I figured I could bake them into muffins and she would eat them.  I used this Blueberry Muffin recipe with a few changes.  The muffins were not that great.  They didn’t go to waste but they weren’t super yummy.  My best friend Hetr ate a few when she came to visit but I’m sure it’s because she was just hungry!

Here is what you will need:

  • 2 cups sifted, all-purpose flour (I used a cup of flour and a cup of milled oats, I sifted the oats but put the big pieces in anyway, mistake.)
  • 4 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar (I used honey instead, the muffins browned really fast!)
  • 1/4 cup soft butter or margarine (I used Trader Joe’s coconut oil, the muffins had a distinct coconut flavor…not sooo bad but not great)
  • 1 medium egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries

I made the muffins as directed and had a bit of batter leftover.




Leftover batter.











I used my tablespoon cookie scoop to make four little muffles.







Pretty, good for you and delicious!




20140730_223705761_iOSKidster loved them and even asked for more!

So the next time you’re making muffins and have a bit leftover, toss it into the waffle iron and you’ll have muffles!

What’s YOUR favorite fruit muffin?


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

2 Ingredient Pancakes

I keep running across these ‘2 ingredient’ pancakes all over the internets.  Kidster is a huge fan of bananas but she really needs more protein in her breakfast to fill her up and keep her going!

It’s pretty simple:

  • One banana
  • Two eggs
  • splash of vanilla (my own preference)

Blend it all together.  I used my Baby Bullet Blender that I received as a gift for my baby shower.  I actually use it all the time. 





Just blend away! You could also use a fork or whisk.









I used a tablespoon for the first ‘pancake’.  Just to make sure the pancakes are the same size.





IMG_3196It was really hard to tell when the pancake was ‘ready’.
Even though the edges were browned
it still stuck to the pan. IMG_3197

After a few failed attempts at getting the pancake so stay a pancake shape I made it into a crepe style pancake instead.




I have to say that this pancake is not something that I will make instead of pancakes.  I will, however, use it as a crepe!  Next time I will put some jam or fruit in the middle.  Or maybe some cream cheese!

Check back next week when I make Meat Free Tuna Salad!

What is YOUR favorite pancake recipe?
